Memorial Blanket


Memorial Blanket December 21, 2024
Philadelphia Independence Hall
Make your blankets now!
Memorial Blanket
U.S. Supreme Court, Grants Pass v Johnson, April 21, 2024, Washington, DC.
blankets capitolblankets supreme courtscan blanket 
Memorial Blanket 2023, Pennsylvania State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA. 

Photos (c) Diane Nilan 

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The Memorial Blanket art display on 12/21/22 in front of the
Reflecting Pool at the US Capitol. 
Photo (c) Diane Nilan 2022DC Blankets


1,179 handmade blankets from knitters, crocheters, and quilters across the country blanketed the Capitol lawn. They were made by strangers for strangers, a true work of love.

The blankets are a stark reminder of people who live and die on the streets of the US every year. 

Following the one-day event, blankets were donated to people in need.

The project was sponsored by the Charles Bruce Foundation.

Photo (c) Diane Nilan 2022IL Blankets

Quilts in the foreground were submitted by HEAR US. "These Little Piggies are Homeless" photos by Pat Van Doren are in the center of the quilts that were finished by volunteers in Illinois.

Babies' and toddlers' footprints from 3 North Carolina programs serving young homeless children surround the Piggies images.

The larger red, white and blue quilt has the iconic image of "Charlie" in the center. This represents the decades' long Illinois involvement in strenghtening educational rights for homeless students. 

WATCH: Memorial Blanket photo collection by Diane Nilan   

WATCH: End of the Memorial Blanket Day by Diane Nilan 

 Washington Post, 12/22/22

Handmade blankets for homeless crafted with ‘love’
come to Capitol Hill

 The Progressive Magazine, 12/29/22

On a Mission to End Homelessness, and Spread Warmth

EARLIER COVERAGE of the HEAR US Memorial Blanket Activities: 

►Watch this NCTV news segment about the unique blankets being made in Illinois!

► Diane worked with 3 North Carolina communities to create Piggies blankets for babies using Pat Van Doren's iconic "These Little Piggies are Homeless" image.

22 NC piggies FINAL small
Here's a 1-minute TV newsclip showing this heartwarming process.





► Here are the news stories about the Memorial Blanket Project

►Here's an adorable look at a "Piggies" event. (2-min)



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