HEAR US Inc. is issuing Charlie’s Compassion Challenge! Bring goodness into the lives of kids experiencing homelessness in your community by picking (at least) one deed from The Charlie Book: 60 Ways to Help Homeless Kids.
Perfect for individuals, service clubs, scouts, PTOs, faith communities, etc. Actions helps kids of all ages, infant to young adult--right here in your own community!
Your good deed will benefit local efforts to help homeless kids. You can connect with local programs. If you don’t know who to connect with, this book describes how to find local services.
Get a copy of The Charlie Book: HEAR US for $10 (+$6 s/h), www.hearus.us
Kindle $1.99 All proceeds from book sales benefit homeless kids.
- Pick your challenge.
- Contact the local shelter/program to verify this need.
- Do it!
- Deliver to the shelter/program. Ongoing, no deadline!
(HEAR US is planning Naperville area events in November. Sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter for more information.)

Did You Know?
Homelessness affects both adults and kids.
- Thousands of kids of all ages are homeless in the Fox Valley, IL area. Millions (6M+) across the country.
- Families/youth tend to be invisible in their homelessness.
- Kids can attend school and have strong educational rights (law originated in the Fox Valley.)
- Agencies/schools can’t meet all the needs of these kids.
- Given help, these kids can succeed.
HEAR US and local agencies/schools want to raise awareness of this issue so immediate and long-term needs can be met.
Charlie’s Compassion Challenge will:
- generate needed supplies to help local kids,
- raise awareness of the plight and promise of local kids,
- develop support for local efforts,
- challenge officials to work harder for solutions.
Compassion cures Apathy, causing love to seep almost undetected, touching those who give and those who receive. This little boy,"Charlie," aka Charles, has brought about more good than anyone could ever know, even Charles (2008).

Charlie is a real kid from the Fox Valley. He and his mom were homeless. Naperville Sun photographer Pat Van Doren took this photo.
Pat's a HEAR US director, serving with a dedicated volunteer board overseeing her project, It’s About the Children.
Since 2005, HEAR US Inc., this Naperville-based national nonprofit gives voice & visibility to families & youth experiencing homelessness.
Founded by Diane Nilan (former director at PADS/Hesed House in Aurora), who lives in her van. She travels across backroads filming and producing award-winning videos featuring families and youth sharing what it’s like to be homeless and what school means. Check out the website!
