doubled up

  • 3Melissas Project


    HEAR US offers several books on family homelessness. 

    Charlie book cover

    CTL500coverThese 2 books are only available through the
    HEAR US Square Site. 

    Charlie book - $12 + $4 s/h
    Crossing the Line - $15 + $4 s/h


    Paradigm cover Purchase these books from:
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    or book vendors of your choice.1 3M cover

      FOR INSTITUTION or BULK ORDERS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    1 3M THEcover copy

    NOW AVAILABLE! Bulk Orders Accepted!

    The Three Melissas - 
    The Practical Guide to Surviving Family Homelessness

    Every family experiencing homelessness needs to have a copy of this handbook! So do people who work with families experiencing homelessness.  The Three Melissas whose wisdom fills this unique and essential book provided invaluable tips and encouragement for families. Their topics include how to handle situations arising when doubled up, how to manage food issues, how to navigate school enrollment, how to tend to your kids' needs and's a perfect McKinney-Vento tool!

    The book is now available (Sept '24). Paperback, 190 pages. ISBN 9798988181682, $15 retail
    Order through:
    IngramSpark- $15
    Amazon - $13.95 
    Bookshop - $13.95


    HEAR US is now accepting bulk orders. Bulk order price $10 book ($15 retail). HEAR US will provide an official quote/pre-order confirmation. Shipping costs will be added based on order quantity and location. Email pre-order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or contact her for info.  

  • Worn Out Welcome Mat


    identified as

    'homeless' by 

    schools are

    doubled up.



    Worn Out Welcome Mat

    Participating States: 








    The largest segment of the homeless population: those doubled up or staying with others because of loss of housing or other issue. 

    Doubled up--a difficult concept for some to grasp (doubled up is not considered "homeless" by HUD, keeping these families and youth from vital assistance - Diane's blog explains it). The perils of living doubled up are often hidden, with millions experiencing the Worn Out Welcome Mat syndrome, a stressful, highly-mobile existence for millions who have lost their home and have nowhere to go.

    Schools struggle to sort out doubled up for "convenience" and doubled up as homeless. (From the National Center on Homeless Education: Resources to help schools understand doubled up.)

    Families and youth who have lost housing and move in with others don't often self-identify as "homeless" for many reasons: fear of children being put into the foster care system, parental shame, lack of awareness of how their (lack of) housing status can qualify them for assistance, and more.

    Educational Leadership Journalpublished an article, written by Vicky Dill of the Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO), an excellent explanation of "doubled up" and the impact on families/youth. (PDF) The article contains vignettes of stories, and links to YouTube selections filmed by HEAR US for the Texas Worn Out Welcome Mat project.

    HEAR US, through our Worn Out Welcome Mat project, give families and youth the opportunity to share the challenges of being doubled up with nowhere to go. 

    HEAR US invites people of compassion to urge your elected officials (federal) to expand HUD's definition of "homeless" so families/youth in doubled up situations will be eligible for more assistance. MORE INFO: 

    HEAR US welcomes the opportunity to work with state departments of education, via their McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth programs, to create a local Worn Out Welcome Mat. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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