Diane's van

  • Diane's Bio_HerStory


    6 24 24 DDN bio
    This wide-ranging interview of Diane gives a glimpse into her 3+ decades
    working with families experiencing homelessness. 

    (West Suburban Living magazine, 2/2022)

    MidLife Dialogues 2-part interview of Diane gives insights about her life's work. July 2024
    Part 1
    Part 2


     Diane giving a talk
    Diane in front of her van at Ohio State UniversityDiane with her video camera

    Diane in front of her van in San Antonio Diane in front of her van at San Antonio

    Diane and her home/office/vehicle, "Tillie 2" 



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    Follow and interact with Diane as she travels the backroads of the country chronicling homelessness.

    HEAR US has a vibrant social media presence on FB. Every day Diane posts about family and youth homelessness, poverty and related topics.  

    FRIEND Diane to follow her travels.
    artistic rendition of Diane's van

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    HEAR US--

    2015 - Celebrated 10 Years!

    2020 - 15 years -

    HEAR US 2020 VisionQuest tour
    Covid upended any celebration.

    (Top) Diane and Tillie, her first office/home on wheels.

    Diane's van tillieDiane's van tillie2

    (Below) Diane and Tillie2, her 2nd office/home on wheels.

    To learn moreabout the real stories of homeless families and youth and what you can do to help, please join our efforts.

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