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Help-Homeless-Kids-Now71/28/16 UPDATE - Now it's funding for the education of homeless children and youth. We have an unprecedented opportunity to get Congress to boost funding for EHCY. Here's the info and action.

12/15/15 SUCCESS! A dozen years later, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act has been reauthorized, with significant improvements to the already great law! Thanks to all who endured this marathon effort, and special thanks to our friends at NAEHCY (National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth) for their intrepid advocacy! Read all about it.

7/15 (STILL ACTIVE, 1/28/16) ~ Help Homeless Kids NOW!
HEAR US supports the ongoing national campaign to help homeless kids!

ACTION NEEDED! Urge your Congressperson to co-sponsor the Homeless Children and Youth Act! It's easy! Go to HELP HOMELESS KIDS NOW Take Action, enter your zip code, and your Representative's message will be sent.

ORGANIZATIONS: Sign up as supporters. We want a massive list of organizations' names from all over the country.

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Rumi, then a 12-year-old boy with plenty of experience of homelessness, offered compelling testimony at the Congressional hearing in 12/12. 

HEAR US facilitated his appearance. He and Diane were later asked to be on CNN to speak about this issue.Rumi-hearing.jpg

7/15 -  Congress is debating key legislation that affects homeless families/youth.

NAEHCY's legislative update is the best spot for more info.

(1/15) Definition of "homelessness" issue heats up AGAIN2 in Congress!

Back in 2012, (now retired) Congresswoman Judy Biggert (R-IL) sponsored the legislation to align HUD's definition of homelessness with other federal departments, including the US Department of Education's McKinney-Vento bill, heavily modeled after the IL Education for Homeless Children Act, aka Charlie's Bill.

HEAR US collaborated with other national organizations on advocacy efforts, and participated in the Congressional hearing. 

An even better piece of legislation is now being considered, with an expanded network of organizations and agencies supporting this essential legislation.

Diane blogs on this issue on a regular basis. Another good reason to follow her on Facebook

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